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Conversations at BSC | Bismarck State College

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Conversations at BSC

BSC appreciates the support of those of you who've come to Conversations at BSC over the past nine years. These events have been enriching for all of us at BSC, and we hope for you, too. It is unfortunate that due to budget reductions, our June 4, 2017, program was our last.

While Clay and Larry have been center stage of these productions, the work of many BSC offices and individuals have made Conversations possible. Specials thanks to:
  • Continuing Education: Lori Heinsohn, Sara Vollmer, and Carla Hixson have energetically provided logistical and administrative support to each Conversation over the years.
  • College Relations: Juanita Lee, Marnie Piehl and Kelsey Dahl have promoted each series and program through a variety of media with great creativity.
  • Schafer Hall and National Energy Center of Excellence custodial staff: These folks have worked diligently to set up and take down the Conversation set on Sunday afternoons year after year.
  • Video production team: Dusty Anderson, Cole Bernhardt, Jesse Carman, and a host of BSC students have provided the live-streaming, taping, editing, and distribution of Conversation on Dakota Media Access.
  • Dakota Media Access: Mary Van Sickle graciously agreed to broadcast all of the Conversations over Dakota Media Access.
  • Guests: Thanks to those who joined Clay and Larry on stage, offering their expertise and insights on a variety of topics.
And, of course, thanks to all of you who've given your Sunday afternoons to learn a little more about history, literature, and the humanities.

For Clay and Larry, it has been their privilege to have the venue, the resources, and the BSC and community support for these productions.


Archived conversations can be viewed on the playlist below: