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Course Drop or Withdraw to Zero Credits | Bismarck State College

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Course Drop or Withdraw to Zero Credits

This page assists students with a course drop or withdraw to zero credits.  There are many items to take into consideration, please review the following information before dropping or withdrawing.
Advising and Counseling

If you are considering dropping a course or withdrawing from the term, please visit with your instructor(s), assigned academic advisor or an academic advisor in the Mystic Advising and Counseling Center (MACC) first.  An academic advisor can provide options that may be available to you other than dropping/withdrawing, as well as share potential impacts to your academic career if you do drop or withdraw.  An advisor can also review with you the BSC Dates and Deadlines calendar for the term.  

  • If a personal situation or mental health concern is a reason that you are considering dropping or withdrawing, it is encouraged that you visit with a BSC counselor to discuss supports that are available to students prior to dropping.
Financial Aid
Financial aid recipients may have all or a portion of their financial aid returned based on the date of withdrawal, which could result in a balance owed.  A withdrawal may affect future eligibility for financial aid.
Tuition and Fee Refund Schedule

Bismarck State College follows the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education Refund Policy 830.2 and the North Dakota University System Refund Procedure 830.2 in regards to tuition/fee refunds resulting from dropping a class or withdrawing from a semester.

  • Refunds for withdrawals are prorated based on the length of the course and the date of withdrawal.  
  • The class length calculation is based on the start and end date of the class dates listed on the class schedule on Campus Connection and includes all calendar days, not just class days. It is possible that classes withdrawn in the same term could have different refund percentages if the class lengths are different.

    North Dakota State Board of Higher Education Tuition and Fee Refund Schedule
    Percentage of tuition and fees refunded based on course completed:
    • 0.000% - 8.999% - Course Completed
      • 100% Refund - Dropping a class
      • 100% Refund - Withdrawing from a semester
    • 9.000% - 34.999% - Course Completed
      • 0%   Refund - Dropping a class
      • 75% Refund - Withdrawing from a semester
    • 35.000% - 59.999% - Course Completed
      • 0%   Refund - Dropping a class
      • 50% Refund - Withdrawing from a semester
    • 60.000% - 100.000% - Course Completed
      • 0%  Refund - Dropping a class
      • 0%  Refund - Withdrawing from a semester

  • Contact Student Finance if questions.
    701-224-5533 (last name A-H)
    701-224-5691 (last name I-R)
    701-224-5706 (last name S-Z)
Residence Life
Students who withdraw to zero credits should notify Student and Residence Life of their withdraw immediately and be prepared to move out of the residence halls shortly after their withdraw. 701-224-5464,
Student Athletes
Contact the athletics department before withdrawing.
VA Education Benefits
Students receiving veteran’s education benefits should contact Veteran Services 
Student’s withdrawing due to military deployment/activation, should review the SBHE Policy: Rights of Student Called to Active Military Service.
  • If you are a BSC degree-seeking collaborative student enrolled in classes at another North Dakota University System (NDUS) institution, please review the Collaborative Drop or Collaborative Withdraw Process sections prior to submitting the Withdraw to Zero Credits form. 
  • If you are a collaborative student degree-seeking at another North Dakota University System (NDUS) institution and enrolled in classes at BSC, you will need to contact that institution for their withdraw process.  DO NOT submit the BSC Withdraw to Zero Credits form and/or the Collaborative Request Form. 
International Students
International students are required to be enrolled full time (minimum 12 credits per semester), of which only one course (three credits) may be online. Going below this requirement, may impact your ability to continue to study in the U.S. If you are considering dropping or withdrawing from any of your courses, contact BSC Admissions ( 701-224-5429, ) before doing so to determine any impact on your visa status prior to making changes to your schedule.

Course Drop

A course drop allows students to discontinue enrollment in a course, but maintain enrollment in other courses for the term. All course drops must be completed by students in Campus Connection.
  Campus Connection will not allow students to drop all their classes.  Dropping the last class is considered withdrawing from the term and must be processed using the Withdraw to Zero Credits Form.
  • There is no refund for students who drop a course(s) after the 100% Tuition Refund date listed on the BSC Dates and Deadlines Schedule.
  • Students are responsible for reviewing the dates and deadlines associated with dropping.
  • These dates may vary if individual class start/end dates differ from the general session dates in which the class is assigned
How to drop a Course Course Drop, Withdraw to Zero Credits Operational Procedure

Withdraw to Zero Credits

Withdraw to zero credits allows students to withdraw for a term.
  Campus Connection will not allow students to drop all their classes.  Dropping the last class is considered withdrawing from the term and must be processed using the Withdraw to Zero Credits Form.

Submittal of Withdraw to Zero Credits must meet ALL the following:
  • Grades (A-F, S/U) have not been earned in any course(s)
  • ALL course(s) fall within the deadlines listed on the Dates and Deadlines calendar.
  • Form must be submitted on or before the last day to withdraw
  • Dates may vary of individual class start/end dates as they differ from the general session dates in which the class is assigned. 
  • Collaborative Student’s Home to BSC review the collaborative withdraw process
  • Collaborative student’s, who are degree-seeking at another North Dakota University System (NDUS) institution and enrolled in classes at BSC, will need to contact their HOME institution for their withdraw process.  DO NOT submit the BSC Withdraw to Zero Credits form.

How to Withdraw to Zero Credits

  1. Review the Dates and Deadlines to ensure all courses fall within the last day to withdraw.
  2. Understand the implications of withdrawing to zero credits by reviewing the Course Drop, Withdraw to Zero Credits Operational Procedure
  3. Submit the Withdraw to Zero Credits Form 
    • Sign into Campus Connection
    • Select the BSC eForms tile
    • Select Academic Records from the left menu
    • Select "Cancel/Withdraw to Zero"
Please allow at least 7 business days for processing.  The withdraw will be processed using the date the form was submitted.  
If you have any questions regarding the Withdraw to Zero Credits Form, please contact the Academic Records Office:
Phone: 701-224-5420