Embracing Personal Leadership in Times of Crisis
We can't control much when a crisis appears. But we can control something- yourself. In this workshop, participants will learn the techniques to help ground yourself and release stress when crisis happens. They will discover how to make smart decisions and the power of connection so they can live and lead well in times of crisis. MARP
Downsizing Your Way to Happiness
Have you ever really thought about the philosophy less is more? This presentation will examine how attaching emotional needs to “stuff” can add more stress to our lives. KK
Drive to fly
Sometimes roads can be smooth, providing us the greatest paths in life and other times be bumpy and give us potholes! The speaker parallels life to roads, cars, and obstacles and how one should aim only for the sky. JA
Eustress, Distress, and We All Stress
In this presentation, you will learn about what stress is, the impact stress can have on your physical and psychological health, and ways to manage stress more effectively. FD
I Don’t Want to Grow Upa
There came a point in our life where we HAD to grow up and the inner child within us got lost and the stress of life came into play. This session will take you back to your inner child, who will help you find the fun in life you were meant to live and look at work from a different perspective. JA
Laws of Life Change
Most of us are keenly aware of areas we'd like to improve or change about how we think or act, but some of those habits are deeply imbedded and seem impossible to shift. This message will unlock listeners' power to pursue personal growth by exposing and breaking the barriers that stand in the way. By mastering the Laws of Life Change, our capacity for growth increases exponentially. AM
Life Balance—Relieving Stress
This presentation will help motivate you to be the best you can be at home and work. We will calculate our own hours and how they are spent. We will also look at tools for time management and setting priorities to find a rewarding and balanced life. KK
Public Speaking Reimagined
There's no shortage of literature about public speaking, but experts often focus on a single strategy. But public speaking happens most effectively when we draw from our own unique strengths and passions to connect on a personal level with our listeners. This session will help you to identify your personal "voice" for public speaking and share some concrete options for both crafting and delivering great messages. AM
Relationship Revolution
Family, work, and social relationships require attention and effort. Since we can't control how others operate, we must focus on our own personal health and relational habits, so that we can draw healthy boundaries and have something to offer those we relate to. This session will explore the dynamics of healthy relationships and the steps one can take to improve relationships that have faced conflict or disappointment. AM
Self-Care to Community Transformation: How to Change the World by Starting with Yourself
This presentation will prompt learning and interaction around the essential steps for pursuing personal growth and change to lay a foundation for community impact. Too often, our personal issues or limitations hinder our ability to make a difference, and by addressing these barriers, we expand our philanthropic potential. AM
Spare Change
Enjoy an amusing and applicable presentation about change. Move from fearing change to fostering it. Learn how to communicate the need for and the benefits of change, how to work through tough change, and how to create an environment that embraces and initiates change. FD
Tales from the Sidewalk… a New Farm Wife
A funny yet passionate look at the role of a new farm wife. Participants will smile and nod in agreement as they relate to the trials and tribulation of having a love affair with the land. KK
The Creativity within You
In this session, you will rediscover the creativity you were born with and will have a new perspective of how to do things differently. JA
The Math of Conflict Resolution
Conflict develops in every organization, and how you handle it makes all the difference in the world. By training your team to recognize unhealthy "shapes" of conflict resolution and opt for an effective means of reconciliation, your workplace will be an exponentially more life-giving and effective environment, and your retention rates will increase dramatically. AM
The Power of Age
Our increasing life expectancy introduces medical and political challenges, but it also creates an incredible opportunity. This message will explore the insightful resources that we acquire with age, how they can be passed on, and the benefits we experience by doing so. AM
Unbroken - Embracing the Cracks That Are Making You Whole
We all have choices when life falls apart. We can choose to rise and fight. Or we can choose to stay broken and hopeless. The choice is up to you. Through stories of overcoming trauma and living with mental health challenges audiences will be inspired to believe that brokenness does not disqualify them from living and leading well. It prepares them. MARP
360 Degrees of Servant Leadership
This form of leadership is effective because it can be cultivated at every level of the organization, from senior and middle management down to specialists and contract employees. This message explores the essential aspects of servant leadership, and the practical steps by which management can incorporate these principles into their mission, vision, and daily operations. AM
Vision-Driven Leadership
Is your organization driven by a vision or merely built around a routine for managing systems and people? This session will help you take an inventory of how "vision-driven" your team is, how to craft a new vision, or how to improve your existing one. Finally, we'll underscore the essential ways to weave your vision into everything you do. AM
Volunteers and the Three R’s
In this session, you will learn how to recruit, retain and recognize the gems in your organization. JA
What Do You Want to be When You Grow Up?
This session reminds us it is never too late or impossible to reach our dreams by setting goals. JA
You are Resilient—How to Bounce Back from Life's Greatest Challenges
In this interactive session about overcoming difficulties, and advocating for yourself to build your resilience, participants discover how resilience is built through overcoming challenges, four ways resilient people face hard situations, and how sharing your story builds your resilience and a better future. MARP