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Mental Health Counseling | Bismarck State College

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Mental Health Counseling

What is Mental Health Counseling?

Counseling is an interpersonal process in which an individual, or group works with a professionally trained counselor to meet goals such as:
• Establishing positive relationships 
• Developing effective coping skills 
• Navigating self-defeating thoughts, feelings, or behaviors 
• Maintaining quality mental health 
• Examining life goals
• Managing anxiety and/or depression

How to Get Started

The first counseling session is an "intake" interview to determine your specific concerns and needs. Sessions will be scheduled based on the student's schedule and counselor availability. There may be times when a referral to another campus service or outside agency would be more appropriate to meet specific needs. If a referral is necessary, you will be assisted with the transition to another professional or to other appropriate community resources.


Counseling with the Mystic Advising & Counseling Center is confidential. You may request in writing that the counseling staff release specific information about your counseling sessions to persons you designate by filling out an Authorization to Disclose Information form.

Model of Service

Mystic Advising and Counseling Center operates on a brief counseling model, using an evidence-based process working toward solutions to your concerns in as few sessions as possible.

The Well Mystic BrochureAre You a Well Mystic Student?

Your overall sense of well-being involves balancing various facets of your health. It's not just what you eat and how you exercise. It's also how you handle emotions, process things, manage stress, find meaning and much more. View The Well Mystic Student brochure for tips.

Biennial Review

Bismarck State College 2024 Biennial Review

Contacting the MACC

Call 701-224-5752 and make an appointment. Walk-in clients will be seen based on counselor availability. If you are unable to attend your appointment, please notify the MACC at 701-224-5752 or at prior to your appointment.