K-12 Pathways
College Credit in High School
High School students in grades 10, 11, and 12 have the opportunity to earn college credit in high school by enrolling in Fast Track college courses at Bismarck State College. This also may be referred to as dual credit/early entry programs at the high school.
Through a collaborative effort with Bismarck State College, Bismarck Public Schools offers courses to 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade students in the Bismarck, Mandan and Wilton area. The Career Academy and Technical Center buildings are located on the Bismarck State College Campus and classes are two periods long each day to allow for the "hands-on" techniques that are delivered by experienced classroom instructors. Since the courses are part of the Bismarck Public School District, they are free of charge. To enroll, visit your school counselor or call the CTE secretary at 701-323-4340 ext 3000 to inquire about registering.
BPS Career Academy
Graphic Design
Health Careers
Information Technology
BPS Technical Center
Auto Collision
Automotive Technology