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BSC ranked with Yale, Stanford on veteran student spending and success | Bismarck State College

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BSC ranked with Yale, Stanford on veteran student spending and success

Published: May 07 2019
BSC ranked with Yale, Stanford on veteran student spending and success - Photo
Bismarck State College has been named one of the top associate degree-granting institutions in the nation in the “Best Instructional Bang for the GI Bill Buck” rankings released this month by advocacy group Veterans Education Success.

According to the report, spending on instruction often correlates with the likelihood of students earning a degree and finding meaningful employment. Veterans Education Success identified 378 colleges and universities that spend at least 50% of tuition dollars on instruction and graduate at least half of their students. The group examined more than 4,600 schools.

The institutions on the list were required to show that a majority of their students succeeded in obtaining a college credential and, after attending, they earned more than the average high school graduate.

Veterans who graduate from BSC overwhelmingly earn more than the average high school graduate. Additionally, the college spends 156.6% of gross tuition and fees on instruction – the best in the nation.

“This study shows that BSC invests in the instruction, curriculum and support our veteran and military students need. And this not only helps them succeed while they are attending college, it helps them succeed after they graduate,” says Lane Huber, Chief Distance Learning and Military Affairs Officer.

BSC’s peers in the study include SUNY Polytechnic Institute, Yale University and Stanford University.

Hundreds of active and veteran service members choose BSC for higher education, taking classes on campus and online from locations all over the world.

“We are incredibly proud of our relationships with all the branches of the military and our engagement with those who have and do serve our nation. The skills developed in service help veterans succeed in college, and make them outstanding employees. It’s an honor to do our part and to be so recognized in this study,” says Larry C. Skogen, BSC president.

Find the full study from Veterans Education Success here.