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BSC professor achieves dream working with National Geographic | Bismarck State College

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BSC professor achieves dream working with National Geographic

Published: Jan 30 2019
BSC professor achieves dream working with National Geographic - Photo
As a kid, Angie Milakovic loved looking through her grandparents’ National Geographic magazines, but it was the family’s Sunday drives that inspired her passion for geography. As they roamed from New Hradec (near Dickinson) to Jamestown to see relatives, Milakovic found her calling by looking out the window.

“I really wondered about buttes, badlands formations, and the rocks and minerals that we would pass that were obviously different than where I grew up. I wanted to know why the landscape formed the way it did, what made it happen? How did it happen? Thus – beginning at age 6 – my love of physical geography and atmospheric science started,” she said.

Fast forward to college, where Milakovic majored in geography beginning at BSC and then moving on to the University of North Dakota. Between her junior and senior years, she’d hoped to land a coveted National Geographic summer internship. Competition was tough and she didn’t make the cut.

“I thought then, ‘how could someone like me get a job like that?’”

Continue reading this story written for the Winter 2018-19 issue of BSC Magazine.