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ND Dual-Credit Tuition Scholarship | Bismarck State College

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ND Dual-Credit Tuition Scholarship

This scholarship rewards college students for taking dual-credit coursework as a high school student.  To qualify, students must meet the eligibility criteria, complete an application with the ND University System (NDUS), and provide all supporting documentation.

To qualify for the scholarship, students must:

  1. Have graduated from a high school in this state, or a high school in a bordering state covered under state law (N.D.C.C. 15.1-29), or have graduated from a nonpublic high school in a bordering state while residing with a custodial parent in this state, or have completed a program of home education under N.D.C.C. 15.1-23, and
  2. Have completed at least one dual-credit course provided by a NDUS institution while enrolled in high school or a program of home education, and
  3. Be currently enrolled at an institution of higher education in ND, and
  4. Have completed at least one semester, quarter or term at an institution of higher education in the state.

For additional information, please view the following document: ND Dual-Credit Tuition Scholarship

Apply through the North Dakota University System website.