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Important Dates and Deadlines | Bismarck State College

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Important Dates and Deadlines

It's up to you to know the important dates and deadlines at BSC. The calendars here include:
  • Last date for 100% tuition refund based on the actual class start and end dates
  • Late date fee of 1.75% will be applied to past due balances
  • Last date to enroll (Add)
  • Last date to drop without transcript record
  • Last day to drop/withdraw to zero credits
     Add - Drop/Withdraw to Zero Credits & Grade Deadlines

     Academic Calendar-Payment Due Date

All Account balances are due in full on or before the class start date as stated on your class schedule in Campus Connection. Resident Hall/Meal Plan charges are due on or before you move into the resident hall or use the meal plan.   

All other charges are due the date they are incurred. 

Students with a completed financial aid file can deduct the amount of financial aid they are receiving from the balance due. A completed financial aid file means you have completed all verification requirements, signed your promissory note, completed debt counseling and accepted your financial aid.  

If you don't know if your financial aid is complete, check your "To Do List" and your "Student communications" on your Student Center.  Students who have financial aid in progress, but not yet credited to their account, will still be assessed a late fee of 1.75% on any balance 30 days past due.