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Drop/Withdraw Appeal | Bismarck State College

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Drop/Withdraw Appeal

The drop/withdraw appeal is used for students wanting to appeal their transcript record and/or tuition and fee charges. 
Form must be submitted by the end of the next semester (excluding summer). Documentation must show a specific date that the extenuating circumstance took place.  Submittal of an appeal does not guarantee the action requested will be honored.  

To be eligible for an appeal one of the following must be met:
  1. Past the last day to drop/withdraw
  2. Received an error when attempted to drop all courses within CampusConnection. These dates will be verified in CampusConnection by the prior to any consideration.
  3. Pertain to an extenuating circumstance

Action Requests for Appealing
  • Grade to W – required documentation would need to support the drop/withdraw of the course(s) prior to “Last Day to Drop or Withdraw to Zero Credits” date on the Dates & Deadlines Schedule.
  • Grade to No W – required documentation would need to support the drop/withdraw of the course(s) prior to the “Last Day to Drop (No Record)” date on the Dates & Deadlines Schedule.
  • W to No W – required documentation would need to support the drop/withdraw of the course(s) prior to the “Last Day to Drop (No Record)” date on the Dates & Deadlines Schedule.
  • Removal of 100%, 75% or 50% charge
Refund of Tuition and Fees
Tuition and fee refunds at Bismarck State College are calculated in compliance with the State Board of Higher Education and the North Dakota University System. Students are responsible for adhering to these policies and procedures, as well as, the Dates and Deadlines schedule posted each term by Bismarck State College.
If you have received Financial Aid within the semester, you are appealing your tuition and fees, keep in mind there may be adjustments made to your financial aid if the appeal would be approved.  If you have questions on how an appeal may impact your Financial Aid, please consult with the Financial Aid office.

Extenuating Circumstances and Required Documentation


Student has a medical or health condition that is considered debilitating (i.e., hospitalization and/or catastrophic event) and of a duration that would render completion of the class, even with instructor accommodations, as unmanageable.
The diagnosis must have occurred within the semester the student is appealing, and the timing of this diagnosis prevented the student from withdrawing within the appropriate timeframe. 
Student must be able to provide the following required documentation:
  • Professional letter (s) of support from student’s physician documenting the student’s situation. 
  • Letter must have the following:
    • Dates of service and/or occurrence of the extenuating medical circumstance
    • Address why the medical condition would have impacted the student’s ability to attend class(s) and/or meet their academic obligations.
    • Must be on letterhead, contain a signature block, and a personal signature


Student not on active military service at the beginning of the term who is called or ordered to active military service for fourteen consecutive days or longer during the term.

Student must be able to provide the following required documentation:  

Death in Immediate Family

Student has a death in immediate family. Immediate Family to include husband, wife, son, daughter, father, mother, stepparents, brother, sister, grandparents, grandchildren, stepchildren, foster children, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, and father-in-law.

Student must be able to provide the following required documentation:
  • Full funeral Service Bulletin that can depict student relationship to deceased immediate family member, along with death date and service date.
  • Optional additional information may include obituary.

Natural Disaster

Student lives in area where a Natural Disaster has occurred that would prevent student from being able to complete course(s). Student would need to explain how this hindered their ability to complete the course.
Student must be able to provide the following required documentation:
  • Official dated newspaper article from area where student lives, documenting natural disaster.

Natural Disaster (Work Related)

Student was called to work in area where Natural Disaster occurred which prevented student from completing course (s). 
Student must be able to provide the following required documentation:
  • Letter on official employer letterhead documenting dates employee was required to attend to Natural Disaster for work related purposes.

Attempted to Drop

Used for student who attempt to drop all course(s) in CampusConnection prior to the "Last Day to Drop or Withdraw to Zero Credits" and receive the following error "Contact the Academic Records/Registrar's Office on your campus for assistance." Students must submit the date they attempted to drop on the appeal form.


Reasons an Appeal could be Denied
  • If the appeal is not received within the allotted time frame as outlined in the 406.4- Course Drop, Withdraw to Zero Credit Appeals.
    • Appeals must be submitted by end of next semester.
  • Failure to follow proper drop/withdraw procedures.
  • Lack of knowledge of applicable dates and deadlines.
    • Asking for a refund or no record of dropped classes that were not refundable or qualified for no record drop at time of drop.
  • Lack of documentation to support the appeal request.
  • Documentation that does not reflect dates associated with the term being appealed or the transcript record/refund requested.
  • Medical documentation copied from a student’s my-chart or other online medical portal.
  • Student participation in class during or after time frame of official dated documentation.
  • Changes in job, work schedule or employment (*unless related to a natural disaster with sufficient documentation).
  • Change in Program
  • Failure to verify class schedule and/or schedule changes.
  • Student enrolled in courses, but decided not to attend, and did not follow proper drop/withdraw procedures as outlined on the BSC Withdraw/Drop site.
  • Personal errors in judgment regarding: 
    • Availability of finances to pay associated charges
    • Class workload and academic ability
    • Failure to understand or follow syllabus
    • Time management
    • Availability of transportation to and from class
  • Dissatisfaction with course content or method of instruction. If appealing is for this reason, please contact the appropriate Dean.
  • Non-qualification, late application, or loss of eligibility of financial aid, scholarships, or third-party authorization.
  • Non-receipt of information/notices sent to student's email and/or USPS address.
  • Not benefiting from: 
    • A fee (e.g. wishing to appeal the mandatory/ student/class/ course/program fees)
    • Course credits regarding degree requirements or changes in major
  • Student account has been submitted to a collection agency
  • Inadequate equipment required for class
    • Personal computer does not meet technical requirements for class
    • Books not received on time for source outside of BSC Bookstore
    • Books not received from BSC Bookstore based on ordering late and/or transportation method chosen on order
Note: Remember the burden of proof is on you. The more complete, and specific you can be, the less chance of misunderstanding and the better the Academic Records Office can perform their task.
How to submit an Appeal
Complete the steps below to submit a Drop/Withdraw Appeal:
  1. Review the Course Drop, Withdraw to Zero Credit Appeals Operational Procedure.
  2. Submit Appeal: Drop/Withdrawal Request
    • Sign into Campus Connection
    • Select BSC eForms tile
    • Select Academic Records in the left menu
    • Select "Appeal – Drop or Withdrawal"
    • Ensure all sections of the form are completed. 
    • Attach documentation.  You will not be able to submit the form without documentation (unless requesting an attempt to drop appeal). 
      • Remember, the burden of proof is on the student, so please make sure your documentation meets the requirements listed.