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Graduate Information | Bismarck State College

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Graduate Information

Commencement Participation

BSC Commencement Ceremony is inclusive for all students graduating during Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025 semesters.

To receive your degree, diploma, or certificate and to indicate participation in the commencement ceremony, you must submit an Application for Degree declaring your intent to graduate as well as to attend/decline participation in the commencement ceremony.

Student Information Card - Commencement

Change of Plans

Cap/Gown & Stoles

Commencement Regalia
Cap, gown, and tassel are the official regalia worn at commencement by all graduates. Graduates attending the Commencement Ceremony will need a black graduation gown, black cap, and appropriate tassel. These items can be purchased online or at the BSC Bookstore located in the Student Union beginning March 1. The cost is only $19.99.

If you already have a black cap and gown and just need a tassel, you can purchase it separately.
Corsages, jewelry, and other adornments should not be worn with gowns.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Stole
Students who are members of the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society will be recognized in the commencement program, and an official seal will be placed on their diplomas.

Members of Phi Theta Kappa may wear the society’s honor stole, made of gold satin and embroidered with the society’s Greek letters, and a gold tassel. These may be purchased online or at the BSC Bookstore located in the Student Union.

Commencement Invitations

83nd Commencement Invite, Friday, May 12, 2023, 2 PMThere is no limit to the number of guests you can invite to the commencement ceremony. Five free formal graduation announcements are available to send to family and friends.

Announcements can be picked up, starting March 2, at the BSC Bookstore located in the Student Union or the Academic Records Office located in Schafer Hall. Supplies are limited.

Share Commencement Announcement


  • During the ceremony, professional photographers from TheGrad Team will take photos of you receiving your diploma cover from President Jensen and individually after you exit the stage. More information coming soon.
  • Let your guests know they may join you on the arena floor, after the ceremony, and use our special photo area to capture photos with friends and family.

Legacy Grad

Do you have parents or grandparents who have graduated from BSC?
Be part of a new tradition!

The Bismarck State College National Alumni Association began a new tradition in 2016 by honoring graduates who shared a legacy with parents or grandparents who also graduated from BJC or BSC.

As a legacy grad, you will receive a special cord to wear at Commencement to commemorate this special connection with your family. While there is no charge for your legacy cord, you must attend Commencement in order to receive it. Simply complete the information below. You will receive an email prior to the ceremony confirming your legacy and letting you know where to pick up your legacy cord at Commencement.

Questions?  Contact Christina Burns at or 224-2486.

To ensure the timely processing of your form, please enter all of the necessary information.
Family Member(s) (include maiden name/name at graduation)